Honor and Remember Flag

Honor and Remember Flag

Mission:  To create, establish and promote a nationally recognized flag that would fly continuously as a visible reminder to all Americans of the lives lost in defense of our national freedoms. All Military lives lost not only in action but also in service, from our nation’s inception.

Rationale:  In our over 200 year history there has never been an official national symbol that specifically recognizes in gratitude and respect the ultimate sacrifice made by members of the United States military in service to our nation. The Honor and Remember Flag was created for that purpose.


  1. To promote the vision of the Honor and Remember Flag and request that visitors to the website sign a petition and pass the word about the importance of this new symbol.
  2. To build a consensus among the branches of the United States military, veterans organizations, service and civic groups, businesses and individuals in order to collectively solicit the Department of Defense and the United States Congress to propose and accept the Honor and Remember Flag as the official flag for honoring all fallen servicemen and servicewomen.
  3. To promote broad national awareness of and groundswell interest in the flag, so that military, government and educational facilities as well as households throughout the country would begin flying the Honor and Remember Flag in recognition of our nation’s fallen warriors.
  4. To place one personalized Honor and Remember Flag in the hands of immediate families who have lost a loved one in military service to America.

In May, 2014, the West Point Society of New Jersey Board of Governors voted unanimously to support this great cause by sponsoring an Honor and Remembrance Flag for the next deserving Army New Jersey Gold Star Family. A $350 contribution, the cost of one flag, was given to the President, Department of NJ American Gold Star Mothers. Our flag will be going to the mother of a NJ Army LT who was killed in 2004 in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The flags are embroidered at the bottom with the name, rank, theater of operation and the date of death. The LT was not a graduate of USMA, and we did not request that distinction, only that the recipient be an Army family. We hope to continue this contribution annually until all deserving NJ families have one. The Society did amend its membership rules by granting Gold Star Families of West Point graduates the same dues free membership status as Widows of graduates.

NJ has adopted the resolution designating the Honor and Remember Flag as the emblem of service and sacrifice for our men and women who gave their lives in the line of duty. To learn more or to make a contribution, please go to www.honorandremember.org.